Daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin and great friend, Lisa Cosenza, was cruelly taken away from us on October 12th, 2017 in a violent and shocking manner by someone she was helping to rehabilitate in her own home. Lisa was always community-driven and realized the importance of an education to better oneself. It’s in this spirit that we have created an ongoing charitable foundation to help the next generation of students looking to get their college degree.
The profiles of the students who will be recipients of these scholarships will vary from Dana Hills High School (Lisa’s Alma Mater) seniors, to adult students looking to go back to school and finish their degree. The amount of scholarships doled out to awarded students will vary, based on the amount of continuous donations that are received.
All donations given to the Lisa Cosenza Memorial Scholarship Foundation will go straight to students for their academic futures. These donations are fully tax-deductible and all donors will receive information on the recipients of the annual scholarships, as well as opportunities to meet the awardees.
For questions or comments on the awarding process and/or inquiries on how else to get involved with the Lisa Cosenza Memorial Scholarship Foundation, email us at [email protected] or visit our Facebook page here. On behalf of Lisa, her family and her friends, thank you so much for your support of her and this cause.